Fallout shelter tips reddit switch
Fallout shelter tips reddit switch

fallout shelter tips reddit switch

Collect bobbleheads and perk magazines.Perks at INT 1 (V.A.N.S.) and PER 3 (Awareness) are very helpful - they will make the game much easier.You get +1 Perception bobblehead and a "You Are SPECIAL book" (+1 to anything you want) early on, so plan as if you had 30 points at start.You'll actually have 28 distributed when you're done assigning them. This will determine you character through the entirety of the game. You start with 21 points that you can distribute into various stats, and 7 points that are already distributed, because each SPECIAL starts at 1.The difference between the six difficulty modes, apart from the obvious damage dealt/received multiplier, is that the higher the difficulty the greater the chance to find Legendary Enemies that drop better loot.In character creation you cannot choose your height, but you can modify your body type.

Fallout shelter tips reddit switch